- scalar(Double) - function in de.chaffic.math.Vec2
- set(AxisAlignedBoundingBox) - function in de.chaffic.collision.AxisAlignedBoundingBox
- Sets the current objects bounds equal to that of the passed AABB argument.
- set(Double) - function in de.chaffic.math.Mat2
- Sets the matrix up to be a rotation matrix that stores the angle specified in the matrix.
- set(Mat2) - function in de.chaffic.math.Mat2
- Sets current object matrix to be the same as the supplied parameters matrix.
- set(Double,Double) - function in de.chaffic.math.Vec2
- Sets a vector to equal an x/y value and returns this.
- set(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.math.Vec2
- Sets a vector to another vector and returns this.
- setAabb(AxisAlignedBoundingBox) - function in de.chaffic.collision.bodies.CollisionBody
- setAabb(AxisAlignedBoundingBox) - function in de.chaffic.collision.bodies.CollisionBodyInterface
- setAabb(AxisAlignedBoundingBox) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.Body
- setAffectedByGravity(Boolean) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.Body
- setAffectedByGravity(Boolean) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- setAffectedByGravity(Boolean) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- setAffectedByGravity(Boolean) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- setAngularDampening(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.Body
- setAngularDampening(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- setAngularDampening(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- setAngularDampening(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- setAngularVelocity(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.Body
- setAngularVelocity(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- setAngularVelocity(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- setAngularVelocity(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- setBodies(ArrayList) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.World
- setBody(CollisionBodyInterface) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Circle
- setBody(CollisionBodyInterface) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Polygon
- setBody(CollisionBodyInterface) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Shape
- setContactCount(Integer) - function in de.chaffic.collision.Arbiter
- setContactNormal(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.collision.Arbiter
- setContacts(ArrayList) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.World
- setDensity(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.Body
- Sets the density and calculates the mass depending on it.
- setDensity(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- Sets the density and calculates the mass depending on it.
- setDensity(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- Sets the density and calculates the mass depending on it.
- setDensity(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- setDirection(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.rays.Ray
- Gets the direction of the ray in radians.
- setDirection(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.rays.Slice
- setDistance(Double) - function in de.chaffic.rays.Slice
- setDynamicFriction(Double) - function in de.chaffic.collision.bodies.CollisionBody
- setDynamicFriction(Double) - function in de.chaffic.collision.bodies.CollisionBodyInterface
- setDynamicFriction(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.Body
- setEpicentre(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.explosions.Explosion
- Sets the epicentre to a different coordinate.
- setEpicentre(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.explosions.ProximityExplosion
- Sets the epicentre to a different coordinate.
- setEpicentre(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.explosions.RayScatter
- setEpicentre(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.explosions.RaycastExplosion
- Sets the epicentre to a different coordinate.
- setForce(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.Body
- setForce(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- setForce(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- setForce(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- setGravity(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.World
- setInertia(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.Body
- setInertia(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- setInertia(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- setInertia(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- setInvInertia(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.Body
- setInvInertia(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- setInvInertia(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- setInvInertia(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- setInvMass(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.Body
- setInvMass(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- setInvMass(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- setInvMass(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- setLinearDampening(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.Body
- setLinearDampening(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- setLinearDampening(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- setLinearDampening(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- setMass(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.Body
- setMass(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- setMass(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- setMass(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- setMax(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.collision.AxisAlignedBoundingBox
- setMin(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.collision.AxisAlignedBoundingBox
- setNormals(Array) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Polygon
- setObject1AttachmentPoint(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.joints.Joint
- setObject1AttachmentPoint(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.joints.JointToBody
- setObject1AttachmentPoint(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.joints.JointToPoint
- setObject2AttachmentPoint(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.joints.JointToBody
- setOrientation(Double) - function in de.chaffic.collision.bodies.CollisionBody
- setOrientation(Double) - function in de.chaffic.collision.bodies.CollisionBodyInterface
- setOrientation(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.Body
- setOrientation(Mat2) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Circle
- setOrientation(Mat2) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Polygon
- setOrientation(Mat2) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Shape
- setParticle(Boolean) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.Body
- setParticle(Boolean) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- setParticle(Boolean) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- setParticle(Boolean) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- setPenetration(Double) - function in de.chaffic.collision.AxisData
- Gets the penetration value stored.
- setPosition(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.collision.bodies.CollisionBody
- setPosition(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.bodies.CollisionBodyInterface
- setPosition(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.Body
- setPosition(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- setPosition(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- setPosition(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- setPosition(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.bodies.TranslatableBody
- setRadius(Double) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Circle
- setRayInformation(RayInformation) - function in de.chaffic.rays.Ray
- setReferenceFaceIndex(Integer) - function in de.chaffic.collision.AxisData
- Gets the referenceFaceIndex value stored
- setRestitution(Double) - function in de.chaffic.collision.Arbiter
- setRestitution(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.Body
- setRestitution(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- setRestitution(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- setRestitution(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- setRow1(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.math.Mat2
- setRow2(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.math.Mat2
- setShape(Shape) - function in de.chaffic.collision.bodies.CollisionBody
- setShape(Shape) - function in de.chaffic.collision.bodies.CollisionBodyInterface
- setShape(Shape) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.Body
- setStartPoint(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.rays.Ray
- setStartPoint(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.rays.ShadowCasting
- setStatic() - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.Body
- Sets all mass and inertia variables to zero.
- setStatic() - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- Sets all mass and inertia variables to zero.
- setStatic() - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- Sets all mass and inertia variables to zero.
- setStatic() - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- Sets all mass and inertia variables to zero.
- setStaticFriction(Double) - function in de.chaffic.collision.bodies.CollisionBody
- setStaticFriction(Double) - function in de.chaffic.collision.bodies.CollisionBodyInterface
- setStaticFriction(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.Body
- setTorque(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.Body
- setTorque(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- setTorque(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- setTorque(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- setVelocity(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.Body
- setVelocity(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.AbstractPhysicalBody
- setVelocity(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBody
- setVelocity(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies.PhysicalBodyInterface
- setVertices(Array) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Polygon
- setX(Double) - function in de.chaffic.math.Vec2
- setY(Double) - function in de.chaffic.math.Vec2
- ShadowCasting - class in de.chaffic.rays
- A class for generating polygons that can mimic line of sight around objects and cast shadows.
- Shape - class in de.chaffic.geometry
- Abstract class presenting a geometric shape.
- Shape.IntersectionReturnElement - class in de.chaffic.geometry.Shape
- Slice - class in de.chaffic.rays
- Class to allow two polygons to be sliced.
- sliceObjects(World) - function in de.chaffic.rays.Slice
- Slices any polygons in the world supplied that intersect with the ray projection.
- solve() - function in de.chaffic.collision.Arbiter
- Solves the current contact manifold and applies impulses based on any contacts found.
- step(Double) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.World
- The main time step method for the world to conduct an iteration of the current world call this method with a desired time step value.