
Class Ray

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class Ray

    Ray class to define and project rays in a world.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Ray

        Ray(Double direction, Double distance)
        Convenience constructor with ray set at origin.
        direction - The direction of the ray points in radians.
        distance - The distance the ray is projected
      • Ray

        Ray(Vec2 direction, Double distance)
        Convenience constructor with ray set at origin.
        direction - The direction of the ray points.
        distance - The distance the ray is projected
      • Ray

        Ray(Vec2 startPoint, Double direction, Double distance)
        Convenience constructor.
        startPoint - The origin of the rays projection.
        direction - The direction of the ray points in radians.
        distance - The distance the ray is projected
      • Ray

        Ray(Vec2 startPoint, Vec2 direction, Double distance)
        startPoint - The origin of the rays projection.
        direction - The direction of the ray points in radians.
        distance - The distance the ray is projected