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rateOfChangeOfExtension() - function in de.chaffic.joints.Joint
Determines the rate of change between two objects/points.
rateOfChangeOfExtension() - function in de.chaffic.joints.JointToBody
Determines the rate of change between two objects.
rateOfChangeOfExtension() - function in de.chaffic.joints.JointToPoint
Determines the rate of change between the attached point and body.
Ray - class in de.chaffic.rays
Ray class to define and project rays in a world.
RayAngleInformation - class in de.chaffic.rays
Ray information class to store relevant data about rays and any intersection found specific to shadow casting.
RaycastExplosion - class in de.chaffic.explosions
Models raycast explosions.
RayInformation - class in de.chaffic.rays
Ray information class to store relevant data about rays and any intersection found.
rayIntersect(Vec2,Vec2,Double,Double) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Circle
Checks if a ray intersects with the shape.
rayIntersect(Vec2,Vec2,Double,Double) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Polygon
Checks if a ray intersects with the shape.
rayIntersect(Vec2,Vec2,Double,Double) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Shape
Checks if a ray intersects with the shape.
RayScatter - class in de.chaffic.explosions
Models rayscatter explosions.
removeBody(TranslatableBody) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.World
Removes a body from the world.
removeJoint(Joint) - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.World
Removes a joint from the world.
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