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ParticleExplosion - class in de.chaffic.explosions
Models particle explosions.
penetrationResolution() - function in de.chaffic.collision.Arbiter
Resolves any penetrations that are left overlapping between shapes.
PhysicalBody - class in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies
PhysicalBodyInterface - class in de.chaffic.dynamics.bodies
Physics - class in de.chaffic.dynamics
Settings class where all the constants are stored for the physics engine.
plus(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.math.Vec2
Adds a vector and the current instance vector together and returns a new vector of them added together.
pointIsOnLine(Vec2,Vec2,Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.math.Math
Polygon - class in de.chaffic.geometry
Class for representing polygon shape.
ProximityExplosion - class in de.chaffic.explosions
Models proximity explosions.
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