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calcMass(Double) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Circle
Calculates the mass of a circle.
calcMass(Double) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Polygon
Implementation of calculating the mass of a polygon.
calcMass(Double) - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Shape
Calculates the mass of a shape.
calculateTension() - function in de.chaffic.joints.Joint
Abstract method to calculate tension between the joint
calculateTension() - function in de.chaffic.joints.JointToBody
Calculates tension between the two attachment points of the joints bodies.
calculateTension() - function in de.chaffic.joints.JointToPoint
Calculates tension between the two attachment points of the joints body and point.
castRays(Double) - function in de.chaffic.explosions.RayScatter
Casts rays in 360 degrees with equal spacing.
Circle - class in de.chaffic.geometry
Circle class to create a circle object.
clearWorld() - function in de.chaffic.dynamics.World
Clears all objects in the current world
CollisionBody - class in de.chaffic.collision.bodies
CollisionBodyInterface - class in de.chaffic.collision.bodies
copy() - function in de.chaffic.collision.AxisAlignedBoundingBox
Copy method to return a new AABB that's the same as the current object.
copy() - function in de.chaffic.math.Vec2
Copy method to return a new copy of the current instance vector.
copyNegative() - function in de.chaffic.math.Vec2
Negates the current instance vector and return this.
createAABB() - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Circle
Generates an AABB and binds it to the body.
createAABB() - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Polygon
Generates an AABB encompassing the polygon and binds it to the body.
createAABB() - function in de.chaffic.geometry.Shape
Generates an AABB for the shape.
createArray(Integer) - function in de.chaffic.math.Vec2.Companion
Generates an array of length n with zero initialised vectors.
createParticles(Double,Integer,Integer,World) - function in de.chaffic.explosions.ParticleExplosion
Creates particles in the supplied world.
cross(Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.math.Vec2
Finds cross product between two vectors.
cross(Double) - function in de.chaffic.math.Vec2
cross(Vec2,Double) - function in de.chaffic.math.Vec2.Companion
Static method for any cross product, same as .
cross(Double,Vec2) - function in de.chaffic.math.Vec2.Companion
Finds the cross product of a scalar and a vector.
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