
class World(gravity: Vec2)

Class for creating a world with iterative solver structure.



The strength of gravity in the world.


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fun World(gravity: Vec2 = Vec2())


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fun <T> addBody(b: T): T

Adds a body to the world

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fun addJoint(j: Joint): Joint

Adds a joint to the world.

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fun clearWorld()

Clears all objects in the current world

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fun gravityBetweenObj()

Applies gravitational forces between to objects (force applied to centre of body)

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fun removeBody(b: TranslatableBody)

Removes a body from the world.

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fun removeJoint(j: Joint)

Removes a joint from the world.

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fun step(dt: Double)

The main time step method for the world to conduct an iteration of the current world call this method with a desired time step value.


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var bodies: ArrayList<TranslatableBody>
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var contacts: ArrayList<Arbiter>
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var gravity: Vec2
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var joints: ArrayList<Joint>