2D Vectors class
Sets x value.
Sets y value.
Copy constructor.
Constructs a normalised direction vector.
Adds a vector to the current instance and return this.
Copy method to return a new copy of the current instance vector.
Negates the current instance vector and return this.
Finds cross product between two vectors.
Finds the distance between two vectors.
Finds dotproduct between two vectors.
Gets the length of instance vector.
Subtract a vector from the current instance vector.
Generates a normal of a vector. Normal facing to the right clock wise 90 degrees.
Normalizes the current instance vector to length 1 and returns this.
Adds a vector and the current instance vector together and returns a new vector of them added together.
Sets a vector to another vector and returns this.
Sets a vector to equal an x/y value and returns this.
Checks to see if a vector has valid values set for x and y.
Checks to see if a vector is set to (0,0).
Finds the normalised version of a vector and returns a new vector of it.