
class Vec2(x: Double, y: Double)

2D Vectors class



Sets x value.


Sets y value.


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fun Vec2(vector: Vec2)

Copy constructor.

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fun Vec2(direction: Double)

Constructs a normalised direction vector.

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fun Vec2(x: Double = 0.0, y: Double = 0.0)


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object Companion


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fun add(v: Vec2): Vec2

Adds a vector to the current instance and return this.

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fun copy(): Vec2

Copy method to return a new copy of the current instance vector.

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fun copyNegative(): Vec2

Negates the current instance vector and return this.

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fun cross(v1: Vec2): Double

Finds cross product between two vectors.

fun cross(a: Double): Vec2
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fun distance(v: Vec2): Double

Finds the distance between two vectors.

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fun dot(v1: Vec2): Double

Finds dotproduct between two vectors.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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fun length(): Double

Gets the length of instance vector.

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operator fun minus(v1: Vec2): Vec2

Subtract a vector from the current instance vector.

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fun normal(): Vec2

Generates a normal of a vector. Normal facing to the right clock wise 90 degrees.

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fun normalize(): Vec2

Normalizes the current instance vector to length 1 and returns this.

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operator fun plus(v: Vec2): Vec2

Adds a vector and the current instance vector together and returns a new vector of them added together.

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fun scalar(a: Double): Vec2
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fun set(v1: Vec2): Vec2

Sets a vector to another vector and returns this.

operator fun set(x: Double, y: Double): Vec2

Sets a vector to equal an x/y value and returns this.

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open override fun toString(): String
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operator fun unaryMinus(): Vec2

Negates the current instance vector and return this.


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val isValid: Boolean

Checks to see if a vector has valid values set for x and y.

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val isZero: Boolean

Checks to see if a vector is set to (0,0).

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val normalized: Vec2

Finds the normalised version of a vector and returns a new vector of it.

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var x: Double = 0.0
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var y: Double = 0.0