
class Arbiter(a: TranslatableBody, b: TranslatableBody)

Creates manifolds to detect collisions and apply forces to them. Discrete in nature and only evaluates pairs of bodies in a single manifold.


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fun Arbiter(a: TranslatableBody, b: TranslatableBody)


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object Companion


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fun narrowPhase()

Conducts a narrow phase detection and creates a contact manifold.

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fun penetrationResolution()

Resolves any penetrations that are left overlapping between shapes. This can be cause due to integration errors of the solvers integration method. Based on linear projection to move the shapes away from each other based on a correction constant and scaled relative to the inverse mass of the objects.

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fun solve()

Solves the current contact manifold and applies impulses based on any contacts found.


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val a: TranslatableBody

Getter for Body A.

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val b: TranslatableBody

Getter for Body B.

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var contactCount: Int = 0
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var contactNormal: Vec2
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val contacts: Array<Vec2>

Array to save the contact points of the objects body's in world space.

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var restitution: Double = 0.0