
class Ray(startPoint: Vec2, direction: Vec2, distance: Double)

Ray class to define and project rays in a world.



The origin of the rays projection.


The direction of the ray points in radians.


The distance the ray is projected


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fun Ray(direction: Double, distance: Double)

Convenience constructor with ray set at origin. Similar to .Ray

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fun Ray(direction: Vec2, distance: Double)

Convenience constructor with ray set at origin. Similar to .Ray

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fun Ray(startPoint: Vec2, direction: Double, distance: Double)

Convenience constructor. Similar to .Ray

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fun Ray(startPoint: Vec2, direction: Vec2, distance: Double)


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fun updateProjection(bodiesToEvaluate: ArrayList<TranslatableBody>)

Updates the projection in world space and acquires information about the closest intersecting object with the ray projection.


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var direction: Vec2

Gets the direction of the ray in radians.

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val distance: Double
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var rayInformation: RayInformation? = null
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var startPoint: Vec2