
interface PhysicalBodyInterface : TranslatableBody


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abstract fun applyForce(force: Vec2)

Apply force to the center of mass.

abstract fun applyForce(force: Vec2, contactPoint: Vec2)

Applies force ot body.

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abstract fun applyLinearImpulse(impulse: Vec2)

Applies impulse to body's center of mass.

abstract fun applyLinearImpulse(impulse: Vec2, contactPoint: Vec2)

Applies impulse to a point relative to the body's center of mass.

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abstract fun setStatic()

Sets all mass and inertia variables to zero. Object cannot be moved.


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abstract var affectedByGravity: Boolean
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abstract var angularDampening: Double
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abstract var angularVelocity: Double
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abstract var density: Double
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abstract var force: Vec2
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abstract var inertia: Double
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abstract var invInertia: Double
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abstract var invMass: Double
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abstract var linearDampening: Double
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abstract var mass: Double
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abstract var particle: Boolean
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abstract var position: Vec2
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abstract var restitution: Double
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abstract var torque: Double
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abstract var velocity: Vec2


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